
Indivisually Defining Moments

In an experiment today to find out the googley-ness of this blog (how easy to find it is) i searched for "indivisual", with surprising results.

I was tantalized to see a top link to Urban Dictionary.

I was very disappointed to see the current number one definition:
1. Indivisual - A person that has not found out there purpose in life yet. 
"Most people know what they want to be when they are young, but I have not yet. I guess I am an indivisual." 

Needless to say, I was dismayed at the inference that I am a wandering soul who is purposeless. I read on...

The number two definition was much closer to mine, and at least less pejorative:
2. Indivisual - (adj.) A person who's visual style or portrayal goes against that of the norm. They are a rogue visualist. Usually used in referring to sub-culture or sub-genre artists and designers.
"Monsieur Z is a contemporary indivisual illustrator who's style has been widely copied from the pages of Wallpaper* Magazine."

However, neither definition was satisfactory for conveying the concepts that I have intended the word to carry on this website... And so, I proffered my own definition. Hope you like it.

Submitted to Urban Dictionary today:
(Submission under review by editors)

Indivisual -
1. (adj.) Expressing one's invididual self and personal identity through the aesthetic of their style and corresponding design of their online persona.
"Carl's website is really indivisual to who he is as a person, the plaid background even matches the flannel shirts he is so well known for!"
"The indivisual nature of Budweiser's ad's is aimed to be all-American."

2. (n.) Advertisements or marketing aimed at creating a "personal" identity for a person or corporation.
"Have you noticed how evil corporations have such smiley indivisuals?"

 tags: indivisual, indivisually, indievisual, indi-visual, indivisuals