
Viral Cats

A short Google search in almost any direction can bring the "official mascot of the internet" hopping onto your lap, or at least onto your laptop.  I speak, of course, of cats.

Cats are all over the internet these days in every medium: on picture sharing boards, in YouTube videos, in your email inbox, EVERYWHERE. They not only have their own profile pages on Facebook, they have their own Facebook App, Catbook.  It's hard NOT to StumbleUpon the furry little creatures.  They seem to be everywhere, asking for cheeseburgers nonetheless!

Indeed with the rise of so many websites devoted entirely to cats, many of us are left scratching our heads and asking, "Why?".  Leigh Alexander proffers this analysis in her article "Why The Internet Chose Cats":

Given the overwhelming preference for dogs apparent in mainstream entertainment media and in statistical analysis among Americans, the cat’s election as unofficial ‘mascot of the Internet’ is a phenomenon worth noting. Certainly, some of this can be explained by facts such as ‘internet culture pioneers are not representative of the norm’; ‘the internet is a haven for subcultures to express preferences less welcome in mainstream society’; and ‘people who are dog people are probably doing things like throwing a Frisbee outside, painting a fence in suburbia, driving to a relevant chain restaurant or giving birth to children in a hospital setting , not going online creating Tumblrs.’

Certainly, I am a dog person myself.  But I can see why cats might be the more "shareable" pet online. While dogs are loving, faithful, and fun, they are not the independent individuals that cats are.  Cats are nothing if not their own animals.  They don't just lie there being petted on like dogs, cats climb mantle-places, knock over plants, hunt mice, and they don't need your help to do it.  Cats have attitude.

In the US, we have a culture that values independence and individuality as highly as patriotism or religion.  A strong sense of self is as American as apple pie and Internet culture is highly influenced by American culture.

To get shared like cats get shared, you need to develop and project your own sense of individuality and personality.  If your product or brand has half the attitude of cats, it should spread like wildfire.


The Share-O-Sphere likes to get Personal

What a perfect example of Indivisual Thinking applied to great success!

Werning's work is incredibly personal, using the original individuals depicted in old photographs and trying to re-create the nostalgic aesthetic of the original photos.  But what makes these photos really special is her focus on capturing the same emotional expression in her subject that existed years ago.

Werning's attentive eye for detail seems to create an environment that allows her subjects to become who they once were.  As she puts it she looks for "some gesture that I want to re-create in that person — that I think I can bring back to life."  The work points to the continuity of personality that makes us who we are, and reminds us that we are still ourselves despite the ephemeral changes of time.

The method of the work's ascent to popularity suggests that this investment in a very personable artistic aesthetic is paying off:
"No doubt thanks to StumbleUpon, Reddit and the rest of the share-o-sphere, photos were lifted from Werning's site months ago, and re-posted, re-tweeted, re-"liked" by bloggers and browsers the world over. Traffic to her site was so heavy that for a few days, the page wouldn't even load."

People respond to people.  We like to see the expression of personality.  It's no wonder that this work is quickly becoming a meme on the internet.  Something this Indivisual is bound to stand out!


Introducing IndiVisual Thinking

What IS "I. T."?

To use big words, "Indivisual Thinking"(I.T.) is a personal way of approaching your visual relationship with the world, and clarifying how you express your identity through your media.

Put simply:  I.T. means showing your self to people, and building friendships.

I.T. means developing your online persona, finding avenues to connect with your target audience on an individual level, then using those connections to develop lasting relationships and deepen engagement.

Whether you are a corporation or a person, I. T. can be a valuable tool for you.

This blog will examine the issues of harmoniously using graphic/web design, and social media to clarify identity and develop a presence that can connect with people on a personal level.

My hope with this weblog is to make an account of my thoughts and experiences as I undergo the continuous process of managing visual information of all kinds from my own life.

I also hope that you find this blog: Entertaining, Excellent, Effective, Eye-opening, and any number of other adjectives beginning with the letter "E".  (As long as it's not Erroneous!)

If you enjoy, let me know!  Share your feedback or "like" and "follow" me on your social engine of choice!

Maybe, if I'm lucky, we'll be friends someday.
